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A Family Tradition Since 1971

Jack Bell's Meat & Poultry 

Jack Bell’s Meat & Poultry market has been doing business for over 48 years, when Jack decided to leave a major grocery chain where he had worked for 13 years and begin his own business. “It seems like only a few years; we have always been busy and the time just has flown by,” Jack said.


As he reflected on these 42+ years, he commented, “it was the best move I ever made!”


There have been changes over the years, though at times one might believe that the white block structure has always been the same. Early on, there was a house next door; that was torn down and replaced with a large and attractive flower display. Later, even more greenhouse and additional parking space were built.

Jack attributes the success of his business to, “the good people of Kane. We’ve done well and they’ve made it that way. Some of our customers have been coming back for decades; they’ve been great!”


This has been a family affair, Jack’s wife, Carol worked with him at the store until health problems made that difficult. Their children, Pam Bell Anderson also of Kane and Jack Jr., grew up working at the store. While in college, Pam was there to help in the spring.


The store also has its place in the sports history and heritage of the area. Jack Jr. went to the NCAA national championships all four years that he was in college and was a top wrestler in high school as well. You would read about his exploits all year long and then find him waiting on you at the market in the summer months. Jack taped news clips of his son’s wrestling career on a cabinet that used to sit beside the cash register at the front of the store.



When you walk in the door, one look is all it takes to confirm that Jack, Sr. is a pretty fair country fisherman. Trophy fish are mounted on all the walls! Reeling in trophy fish is a routine matter for Jack. He has gained recognition as a national Bass Master champion. In fact, fishing is a family tradition.

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